I got my first SLR camera back in 2000 when I was only 16 years old and I was immediately hooked. I took pictures of everything I could, as long as I could find a way to get more film. It took four years before I got my first dSLR (freeing me from the need to keep buying film) and six more years after that before I could afford "serious" photography gear. I never stopped taking pictures, though. Dragon Wing Photography was created in 2012 as a way to officialize what I'd already been doing for a long time; making pictures for myself and others that were enjoyable.
I specialize in capturing events as they happen, wherever and whenever that may be. Whether it's a casual gathering at the park, a crowded convention center, or shooting out of an airplane 1,000 feet above ground, I aim to get the shots that you need. I also work very well with animals of all shapes and sizes. I'm on the Board of Directors for the Cache Humane Society, working with them to improve adoption rates by getting more pleasing pictures that attract the public (and I also fix their computers when they break).
Currently I shoot almost all of my pictures with a 1Dx, a few trusty lenses, and whatever natural light I'm given. I'm looking into expanding more into strobes, though; even though the 1Dx is really good even with little light, it's better with more.